When God Requests A Pause

Have you ever been in a season where you felt like you should be doing and producing and expanding and growing, but something seems to be keeping you planted where you are?

That something, or shall I say someone, is typically the Holy Spirit. Sometimes He wants you to move, sometimes He wants you to wait, and other times He wants you to slow down to listen and hear Him directly.

This has been my season. I feel the Holy Spirit has told me to quiet the noise, not be afraid of the unknown and to think BIGGER. I was doing a lot for Forward in Grace, but it wasn’t exactly what He called me to.

So I’ve paused.

And the pause has been so pleasant because I have more clarity and will be challenging myself to build what He’s truly called me to, with His help. I’m SO EXCITED for it all as it will help women far and wide!

But for now, He’s also called me to motherhood which is my primary focus. So stayed tuned for much more to come in 2024 (with sprinkles of content in between). Until then, please continue to pray for our family as we prepare for a peaceful, spiritual, and healthy birth!

If this spoke to you, I encourage you to lean in. We’re all called to make a difference, but let’s make sure we’re partnered with God and are hearing Him clearly!

Much Love!


All Seasons Are Beautiful