All Seasons Are Beautiful

Happy First Day Of Fall Family. Right now, it looks vibrant and lively and soon will shift to the beautiful colors showing the evidence of Fall (which I love!!!) But what about when the leaves shed and it’s bare? Do we still consider the season beautiful? 

For some of you this can feel like the seasons of your life. 

Plush & Vibrant. To Colorful and Full. To Bare and Lacking. But remember, work is still being done in what feels like lack and loneliness for you. He may appear to be silent, but He is in each and every moment & replaces what feels like ashes for beauty each time.

Blooms will come again. The harvest will come again. Fruit will come again. All you have to do is stay faithful and remember that He calls every season beautiful and purposeful


When God Requests A Pause


Who Are You Giving The Glory To?