Who Are You Giving The Glory To?

Let me ask you all a question…. When something great happens in your life, who are you attributing the success to? Is it to yourself, possibly saying things like “I did this” or “I’m self-made” or “It was all me”. Are you giving the praise to other people? Are you giving the praise to the Universe? Who is getting the praise instead of God himself?

A while back, I came across 1 Corinthians 1:31 and it says “Let the one who boasts, boast in the Lord.” Let me remind us all that everything we have is from HIM. EVERYTHING. When it comes to our relationships, our friendships, our marriages, our success, our homes, our provision, our jobs, etc., the glory should always point back to Him. We don’t deserve any of it yet He is so merciful and graceful that He provides it to us anyway.

Rather than giving the praise to what He created (ourselves, the moon, the Universe, etc.), give it all back to the Creator. In Romans 1:25, it says “They traded the truth about God for a lie. So they worshiped and served the things God created instead of the Creator himself, who is worthy of eternal praise! Amen.”

If you are a believer, let’s not be ones to dismiss the Creator and praise the creations. Why? Because He’s the ONLY ONE THAT DESERVES IT and is the only one that formed it all.

Love you all!



All Seasons Are Beautiful


I want to stop, but I can’t