Remove the Temptation

Hello friends! I hope your year is off to a great start! If it’s not, I’m praying for a shift immediately!

Alright…Let’s get real about something. Is there something you’ve been trying to work on within yourself, but you feel like you keep failing? Do you feel like you fall into the same sin? You try and try and try, but you find yourself back in the same scenario over and over again?

I’ve been there. I know what that feels like.

Unfortunately, we give ourselves too much credit. We think we can work on things on our own. We feel that if we put ourselves in certain scenarios that we can make it out positively on our own. How does that work out for you? For me, I typically failed, which often left me feeling disappointed, filled with shame, and swimming in guilt.

The Bible says “The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak.” That is such a true statement! Our hearts and minds WANT to do the right thing, but the opposite happens.

But there’s good news for us family.

God gives us insight into how we can overcome this. The first is:

Remove The Temptation!

If God convicts us in an area, we can’t improve if we are unwilling to shift our environment, habits and who we’re around.

  • If you consistently fall into sin when you hang out with someone, set boundaries with them. Limit where you’ll go and what you’ll do with them

  • If you’re trying to stop drinking, partying, or doing drugs, you may need to change where you hang out and who you interact with

  • If you are trying to stop having pre-marital sex and remove lust, remove hanging out with that person one on one and/or being in environments that trigger you

  • If you are trying to work on managing your time better, consider removing the apps on your phone that keep you the most distracted

The second insight is:

Allow God to change your heart, desires and habits

We can overcome our habits, but we can’t do it alone! However, you can’t rely on your own strength. Rely on God’s. Give it to Him and express how you want to change. It will take time. It took you time to get into the habit and will take time to get out, but the freedom you’ll experience will be beyond worth it!

If you have tried and are still struggling with this, please reach out to me. I’m happy to help and add additional thoughts!

With Love,



What are you calling yourself?


When The Past Tries to Interrupt The Present